Research Centre Drug less Hospital
Nos: 9442035291, 8754880126.
In 1864, a scientist named Louis Pastor said,
"Diseases are caused by the germs; diseases are spread through the air and
water by germs! " and declared. From that day onwards, that policy has
been sustained and threatening people. But the truth is different. Let's see
how that is.
As waste is accumulated in households, waste materials are also
accmulated in your body. The body's maintenance power drives out the waste from
the body. The disturbances raised out during the driving out the waste are said
to be ‘diseases’.
Both bad water and mucous waste are stagnant waste in the
nose, face and head.; When there is a shortage of place to store further coming
waste, the body's immunity power drives
out the waste out of the body. In such a way, the bad water that is mixed with
the mucous leaves with sneezing. That's the disease.
Evidence is that in the
course of Medicinal Meditations doing, all the diseases including mental
illness are cured by driving out the stagnate waste from the body.
Healer R.A.Bharaman (Aromani)
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